Ayurveda Practitioner 1000 HR
Join 2,890 Aspiring and Practicing Ayurveda Experts in Transforming Lives with Yogamu!
Why Choose Yogamu’s Ayurveda Practitioner Program?
What sets us apart: Unlike many other schools, we operate a fully licensed Ayurveda hospital in India. This provides daily exposure to a diverse range of real-world case presentations. Our students have the unique opportunity to participate in these cases through live online links, recorded sessions, and even hands-on experience when visiting the hospital. This comprehensive access ensures a rich learning experience that bridges theory with real-world practice.
✅ Learn at Your Own Pace: Flexible, self-paced online study from the comfort of your home.
✅ Real-World Expertise: Train under licensed Ayurveda doctors who practice daily in our 5-story modern clinic and hospital in Rishikesh, the heart of Ayurveda.
✅ Engage with a Thriving Community: Connect and collaborate with our community of 2,890+ students, teachers, and doctors. Share insights, ask questions, and grow together!
✅ Direct Access to Experts: Participate in exclusive virtual open office hours with experienced Ayurveda doctors.
Transform Your Future
Prepare to change your life—and the lives of others—with our Certified Ayurveda Practitioner course. We’re committed to spreading the joy and power of holistic health worldwide.
Certified Ayurveda Practitioner
Comprehensive Curriculum
•Introduction to Ayurveda (50 hours): Explore the history, principles, and lifestyle of Ayurveda.
•Anatomy and Physiology (150 hours): Understand the human body from Ayurvedic and modern perspectives.
•Ayurvedic Pharmacology (100 hours): Learn about herbs, medicine preparation, and drug delivery.
•Diagnosis and Treatment (300 hours): Master Ayurvedic diagnostic tools, disease management, and therapies.
•Clinical Subject Knowledge (200 hours): Gain insights into specialized areas like Kayachikitsa and Shalya Tantra.
•Remote Clinical Training (100 hours): Experience Ayurvedic treatment and consultations via secure live video.
•Electives (100 hours): Pursue specializations or research projects in Ayurvedic subfields.
Graduates Will Learn to:
•Apply Ayurvedic principles in consultations and therapies.
•Use Ayurvedic herbs effectively.
•Perform therapies and diagnostics.
•Develop practical consultation skills.
Your Esteemed Teachers:
Dr. Rashmi Bhatt
Dr. Vivek Brijbahal Singh
Dr. Seema Rawat
Dr. Fariha Khalid
Dr. Supriya Kurane
Plus, senior Yoga Teachers
Who Is This Course For?
This program is ideal for those passionate about holistic health, seeking to collaborate with Western doctors or work independently.
Career Opportunities:
•Ayurvedic Consultant
•Ayurveda Therapist
•Educator or Product Formulator
•Ayurvedic Chef
•Wellness Center Owner
…and much more!
Why Choose Us?
•Self-paced study with hundreds of hours of pre-recorded content.
•Optional live classes for interactive learning.
•Access daily virtual consultations with licensed doctors.
•Network with thousands of like-minded peers.
•Gain practical experience remotely or at our clinic in India.
Course Timeline
Complete the program in as little as 8 months or take up to 5 years to finish all material and tests—it’s up to you!
Your Future in Ayurveda
Upon completion, you’ll be equipped to serve as an Ayurvedic Consultant, Therapist, Educator, Chef, or Wellness Center Owner. Collaborate with Ayurvedic and Western physicians to deliver transformative health solutions.
About Us
At Yogamu, we operate a leading clinic in India and deliver high-quality Ayurvedic education with licensed, board-certified teachers. Our mission is to bring Ayurveda to the world—and we’re excited to welcome you on this journey.
- Books on various subjects
- A Comprehensive Study of Ayurveda Traditional Chinese Medicine
- A Text Book of Sharira-Kriya Vijnan Part II - Ranade (2009)
- astanga-hridaya-sutrasthan-handbook
- Ayurveda & BTD Research Paper
- Ayurveda - The science of self-healing
- Ayurveda - The surgical instruments
- AYurveda Health magazine
- Ayurveda Health MagazineJan-March-2010
- Ayurveda in the Age of Biomedicine - Discursive Assymetries and Counter Strategies - Wolfgram (2009)
- Ayurveda- Hindu system of medicine
- Ayurveda- The science of life
- Ayurveda-A-Complement-to-Modern-Dietetics-Education-in-Nutrition-Webinar-Final-June-11-132
- Ayurveda-Ancient wisdom for modern lifestyle
- Ayurveda-Vol.-8-Issue-No.-2-April-June-2013
- Ayurveda_ Life, Health and Long - Svoboda, Robert
- AYUSH-Essential Ayurveda Medicines
- Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra
- Classical Ayurvedic Prescriptions for common diseases
- Everyday Ayurveda – a practical guide to healthy living - Ayurveda UK
- Hidden Secret of Ayurveda - Svoboda, Robert
- Indian_Medicinal_Plants
- Integrating Ayurveda with modern medicine
- Introduction to Ayurveda - Thakkur (2ed 1975)
- natural-home-remedies-beauty-care-ebook-sample
- pancha-karma
- Rasayana_ Ayurvedic herbs for longevity and rejuvenation
- Remarks on common medicinal plants in india
- Secrets of Indian Medicine Ayurveda
- storyofayurveda00meno
- Surgical instruments
- swami-sada-shiva-tirtha-the-ayurveda-encyclopedia
- Text book of Ayurveda
- The Magic of Ayurveda
- The study of Patanjali
- vagbhatta-chikitsita
- vagbhatta-kalpa-siddhi
- vagbhatta-nidana (1)
- vagbhatta-nidana
- vagbhatta-sutra
- vagbhatta-uttara
- yoganighantu
- What is Ayurveda? (4:27)
- History of Ayurveda (15:41)
- Connection of ayurveda with nature (5:36)
- Concept of Panchamahabhutas (14:06)
- Explaination of Panchamahabhutas (21:20)
- Introduction of Tri doshas (11:00)
- Branches of Ayurveda (11:40)
- Core principles of Ayurveda
- Schools of Ayurveda (13:21)
- The Three Main Ancient Ayurveda Text (22:12)
- Basic Principles of Ayurveda (8:44)
- Branches of Indian Philosophy
- Nature of Yoga in Bharatiya Darshana (Indian Philosophy)
- Yoga Philosophy
- Distinction between Indian Philosophy and Western Philosophy
- Essence of Samkhya Yoga and Vedanta Darshana
- Advaita Vedanta Philosophy
- Mimamsa Philosophy
- Nyaya Philosophy
- Samkhya Philosophy
- Vaisesika Philosophy
- Vedanta Philosophy
- Vedanta Subset
- Nirvana Shatkam
- Brahma Sutra
- Karma Is Of Three Kinds
- Song Of The Sannyasin
- Buddhism
- Concept of Syadvada
- Jaina Metaphysics
- Nava Tattvas - Jainsim
- Buddhism - The Eight Fold Path
- Religious sects in Buddhism
- Quiz 2: Indian Philosophy and Yoga
- Yoga in Epics - Ramayana, Mahabharata; Nature of Yoga in Smritis, Puranas, Aagamas and Tantras
- Evolution of Yoga: Pre-vedic to contemporary Period
- Introduction to Vedas and Upanishads, Prasthanatrayee & Purushartha Chatushtaya
- Concept of Pancha-Kosha; concept of Nadi, Prana, Kundalini in Tantra, Elements of Yoga in Narada Bhakti Sutra
- Yoga in Medieval period: Features of Natha Parampara, Bhakti Yoga of Medieval saints, Characteristics of Yoga in Narada Bhakti Sutras, Yoga in the Literature of SaintsKabirdas, Tulasidas and Surdas
- Understanding the fundamental principles of Ayurveda
- Exploring the Concept of Dashavidha Pariksha in Ayurvedic Diagnostics
- Historical Context and Development of Dashavidha Pariksha
- Nadi Pariksha
- Muta Pariksha (Urine Examination)
- Mala Pariksha (Stool Examination)
- Jiva Pariksha (Tongue Examination)
- Shabda Pariksha (Speech Examination)
- Ardraka-Sunti
- Amalaki - Indian Gooseberry
- Arjuna
- Ashoka
- Bhallataka
- Bhringraj
- Bibhitaki
- Brahmi
- Brihati
- Chitraka
- Dadim
- Dhataki
- Eranda
- Haritaki
- Hingu
- Jambu
- Kalmegha
- Kampillaka
- Katuki
- Kiratatikta
- Madanaphala
- Manjishtha
- Maricha
- Mustaka
- Nagakeshara
- Nimba
- Parpata
- Pashanabheda
- Patala
- Pippali
- Pippalimula
- Pushkarmoola
- Rasona
- Sariva dvaya
- Sarpagandha
- Shankhapushpi
- Shyonaka
- Tulsi
- Vacha
- Varahi
- Varuna
- Vatsanabha
- Vidari
- Final Quiz Details
- Viva Session Link
- Question Paper 1.1 : Introduction to Ayurveda Quiz
- Question Paper 1.2: Anatomy and Physiology Quiz
- Question Paper 1.3: Ayurvedic Pharmacology Quiz
- Question Paper 1.4: Diagnosis and Treatment Quiz
- Question Paper 1.5: Clinical Subjects Quiz
- Question Paper 1.6: Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Yoga quiz
- Question Paper 1.7: Research Methodology and Ethics Quiz
- Question Paper 1.8: Advanced Topics and Integration
- Question Paper 1.9: Advanced Pharmacology and Disease Management Quiz
- Question Paper 2.0: Research and Clinical Integration Quiz